The San Bernardino Prosecutors News

2024 County Judicial Election Discussions

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be having discussions for the 2024 county judicial elections for San Bernardino County. A meeting of the PAC to discuss any potential endorsements and potential donations is currently set for Tuesday, December 19 at 12:30pm. This discussion will be closed to the public. Any prosecutors within the SBCPAA can reach out to any PAC member for more information if desired. Thank you!

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2024 County Supervisor Elections Interviews

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be conducting interviews for the 2024 county supervisor elections in San Bernardino County. A meeting of the PAC to interview potential candidates and discuss any potential endorsements is currently set for Monday, September 25 at 6:30pm. This discussion will be closed to the public. Any prosecutors within the SBCPAA can reach out to any PAC member for more information if desired. Thank you!

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Candidate Interviews for Endorsements

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC has been conducting interviews for the 2022 judicial and county supervisor elections in San Bernardino County over the last few weeks. A meeting of the PAC to discuss any potential endorsements is currently set for Sunday, April 10 at 5pm. This discussion will be closed to the public. Any prosecutors within the SBCPAA can reach out to any PAC member for more information if desired. Thank you!

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SBCPAA to Conduct Interviews for the 2022 Judicial Elections

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be conducting interviews for the 2022 judicial elections in San Bernardino County over the coming weeks. An interview is currently scheduled with judicial candidate Melissa Rodriguez for March 9, 2022, at 6:30pm via Zoom. All interviews of candidates seeking public office will be closed to the public. Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the following matters: 1) The particular office being sought; 2) The financial needs of the campaign and fundraising plans; 3)...

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Notice of Meeting: November 3, 2021


The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will meet on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at 1:00pm. The meeting will take place via Zoom and any DDA member of the SBCPAA can reach out to the Prosecutors PAC for a Zoom link if requested. Topic of discussion: Filling the chairperson/treasurer vacancy for 2021.

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Notice of Meeting: March 16, 2021

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will meet on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 at 12:15pm. The meeting will take place via Zoom and an invite has been sent to the constituent membership. Topics of discussion: Election of the chairperson for 2021 and discussion and vote re: endorsement letter for Assembly Bill 460.

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Endorsement of Joe Baca, Jr.

On behalf of over 200 San Bernardino County Deputy District Attorneys, the SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC proudly endorses Joe Baca, Jr's election to Fifth District Supervisor in San Bernardino County.  Mr. Baca has deep roots to the community giving him unique insight into the needs of the Fifth District.  We truly appreciate the solutions he offers to improve that community's future.  Mr Baca's years of public service shows his strong commitment for the public's safety.  He clearly understands the issues faced by...

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Notice of Meeting: July 9, 2020

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will meet on Thursday, July 9th, 2020 from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm.   The meeting will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.     Topic of discussion: Contribution to the political action committee Good Governement in San Bernardino.    

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Interviews of Candidates for Supervisor (District 5)

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be conducting interviews of Joe Baca, Jr. and Jesse Armendarez, candidates for District 5 Supervisor, in the upcoming November 2020 election.

The interviews will take place on July 9th, 2020 starting at 2:30 pm.   Interviews will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.  Interviews will be closed.   

Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the following matters:  1. The particular office being sough; 2. The financial needs of the campaign and fundraising plans; 3. Election issues; 4. Whether the  candidate seeks the Organization's endorsement, financial support or both; and 5. The reasons why the candidate seeks the particular office.  

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Endorsement of Paul Cook

The Prosecutors PAC of the San Bernardino County Public Attorneys Association endorses Colonel Paul Cook (USMC Ret.) for 1st District Supervisor in San Bernardino County.  Our decision is based on Congressman Cook's long-standing dedication to justice and protecting the community.  His commitment to public service - as a United States Marine, educator, California State Assemblyman, and United States Congressman - is unquestioned.  We especially admire his faithfulness and care shown to the “troops” who have served and sacrificed.  We believe the citizens of...

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Endorsement of Dawn Rowe

The Prosecutors PAC of the San Bernardino County Public Attorneys Association, which represents over 200 Deputy District Attorneys in the County of San Bernardino, enthusiastically endorses Dawn Rowe's election for Third District Supervisor in San Bernardino County.  We believed Ms. Rowe has a passionate commitment to improving the community.  Her record also confirms a high regard for public safety, including firm support for crime victims.  We also value Ms. Rowe's “problem-solver, get it done” attitude.  We believe Ms. Rowe's work experience...

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Endorsement of Dan Flores

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC endorses Dan Flores for San Bernardino County Supervisor of the Fifth District.   The Committee's decision was based upon Mr. Flores' long-standing dedication to the San Bernardino County, his vision to improve the community, and a special commitment to public safety.  We support Mr. Flores' election to the Board of Supervisors from where he can help improve the quality of life for the County's citizens.  .    

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Invitation to Interview / Notice of Interviews

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be conducting interviews of individuals seeking public office in the upcoming 2020 elections. The next interviews will take place on December 19, 2019, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.   Interviews will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.  Interviews will be closed.    Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the following matters:  1. The particular office being sought; 2. Whether the...

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Notice of Interviews

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be conducting interviews of individuals seeking public office in the upcoming 2020 elections. The next interviews will take place on December 17, 2019, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.   Interviews will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.  Interviews will be closed.    Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, the following matters:  1. The particular office being sought; 2. Whether the...

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Invitation to Interview / Notice of Interviews

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC invites individuals seeking public office in the upcoming 2020 elections to interview with our organization.   Interviews will take place on December 11, 2019, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.   Interviews will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.  Interviews will be closed.   Potential candidates should be prepared to discuss the following:  1. The particular office being sought; 2. Whether the seat is open...

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Endorsement of James Ramos

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC fully endorses Assembly member James Ramos' re-election to California’s 40th Assembly District.  Our Committee recognizes Mr. Ramos' support of public safety and his commitment to crime victims.  Returning Mr. Ramos to the state assembly will ensure effective representation for the citizens of San Bernardino County and continued good work benefiting all of California.  We strongly encourage voters to support Mr. Ramos as he moves forward with his re-election campaign.  

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Endorsement of Jason Liso for Judge

The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC endorses Deputy District Attorney Jason Liso for election to Judge of the San Bernardino County Superior Court.  Our Committee's endorsement is based on Mr. Liso's proven commitment to justice and his track record of bettering the community through many years of service as a Deputy District Attorney.  As a judge, we believe Mr. Liso will fairly administer justice to all appearing before him.  Citizens of San Bernardino County will appreciate Mr. Liso's sincere consideration for crime victims while...

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The SBCPAA Prosecutors PAC will be interviewing union members seeking public office in the upcoming 2020 elections.   Interviews will take place on October 29, 2019 and October 30, 2019 (if needed).  Interviews will take place at the SBCPAA Office located at 293 N. D Street, Suite 204, San Bernardino, CA  92401.  Interviews will be closed.   Potential candidates should be prepared to discuss the following:  1. The particular office being sought; 2. Whether the seat is open or currently filled;...

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Every year the San Bernardino County Schools holds a Mock Trial competition among 28 of the SB County high schools.  This year’s field held 32 teams from those schools. This past December, Cajon High School made history by winning the Mock Trial competition for the first time!  The team now advances to the California State Championship to be held later this month in Sacramento. As we all know, schools’ funding resources are very tight, especially when it comes to out of...

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San Bernardino Prosecutors and DA Jason Anderson—Reaching Out to All Offices!


Over the past several weeks, the San Bernardino Prosecutors hosted several lunches with District Attorney Jason Anderson. At every event, the rooms were near-capacity as the prosecutors were eager to meet and greet the newly-elected District Attorney. DA Anderson even went out as far as our easternmost office—Joshua Tree!—to meet and greet the staff there! Lunches were held in San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, and Victorville as well. During each event, DA Anderson met new prosecutors whom he referred to as colleagues,...

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Ontario City Endorsements

The San Bernardino County Prosecutors PAC is proud to announce the endorsement of Paul Leon for Mayor and Alan Wapner for Council for the City of Ontario. Both Mr. Leon and Mr. Wapner have been long-committed to safer a community for the citizens of Ontario, have worked well with law enforcement, and are sure to keep working hard for their city. “Voters have choices and we encourage them to make the right ones—decisions that will bring the results they deserve—better living...

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