By The San Bernardino County Prosecutors on Friday, 11 January 2019
Category: News

San Bernardino Prosecutors and DA Jason Anderson—Reaching Out to All Offices!

Over the past several weeks, the San Bernardino Prosecutors hosted several lunches with District Attorney Jason Anderson. At every event, the rooms were near-capacity as the prosecutors were eager to meet and greet the newly-elected District Attorney. DA Anderson even went out as far as our easternmost office—Joshua Tree!—to meet and greet the staff there! Lunches were held in San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, and Victorville as well. During each event, DA Anderson met new prosecutors whom he referred to as colleagues, and outlined some of his plans for his term.

A big thanks to all those who assisted with these events, and especially to Tim Haskell, the San Bernardino Prosecutor who shepherds the DA’s Staff Development program, and helped coordinate and host each lunch—kudos! Also, a big thank you to DA Anderson for reaching out and wanting to take initiative to meet his colleagues. The San Bernardino Prosecutors look forward to working with DA Anderson to achieve better working conditions, salaries and benefits!